impact youth

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Empowering a Generation for Apostolic Impact
At the heart of our UPCI Youth Group lies a passionate commitment to empower young people aged 12-30. We are more than just a gathering; we are a vibrant community of faith, hope, and transformation. Our mission is multifaceted, reflecting our unwavering dedication to the following core principles:

Core Elements

 We believe in nurturing authentic discipleship. Through dynamic Bible studies, mentorship, and intentional relationships, we equip our youth to grow spiritually, discover their purpose, and live out their faith boldly.
Our calling extends beyond the church walls. We are fervent evangelists, reaching out to our peers, schools, neighborhoods, and digital spaces. We share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, inviting others to experience His love and grace.
Worship and Creativity
Worship is our heartbeat. Whether through music, art, or spoken word, we express our devotion to God. Our creativity knows no bounds as we celebrate His presence, lifting high the name of Jesus.
Community Engagement
We actively engage with our local community. From outreach events to service projects, we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Compassion drives us to meet practical needs, demonstrating His love in tangible ways.
Global Impact
 As part of the UPCI family, we recognize our global responsibility. We partner with missionaries, support missions projects, and pray for unreached regions. Our vision extends beyond borders, believing that every nation deserves to hear the gospel.
Holiness Lifestyle
We embrace holiness as a lifestyle, not a list of rules. Our choices reflect our commitment to purity, integrity, and consecration. We stand unapologetically for biblical truth, guided by the Word of God.
 Together, we form a diverse tapestry of backgrounds, cultures, and talents. Our unity is our strength. We celebrate our differences, recognizing that each individual contributes uniquely to the body of Christ.

In summary, Impact Youth Group exists to ignite revival, cultivate purpose, and impact the world.
We invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey—a journey where lives are transformed, destinies are shaped, and God’s kingdom advances. Welcome to a community that believes in the extraordinary potential of ordinary young people!

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